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مقارنة بين الاوكسي ايليت واليبو سكس والهيدروكس كت
مقارنه بين الاكسى والليبو والهيدروكسى.....خش وادعيلىالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته لاحظت ان كثير من الاخوه يسأل عن حوارق الدهون من حيث افضلها وجرعاتها وخلافه وايضا لاحظت اختلاف وتضاد فى ردود ردود بعض الاخوه فقلت اعمل الموضوع ده لعل احد يستفيد ويكون فى ميزان حسناتى. علشان ماطولش عليكم الكلام هيكون عن الليبو بكل عائلته والاوكسى ايليت والهيدروكسى الجديد . اولا الليبو:فى منه 3 انواع للرجال ال6+ال6x+ال6بلاك حجم العبوات 120أو240كبسول 1-الليبو 6:لايجوز لمن اقل من 18 سنه جرعته:له ثلاث طرق للجرعات وفقا للهدف المطلوب لحرق الدهون:2كبسوله مرتين يوميا باجمالى 4 فى اليوم للحصول على الطاقه:2 كبسول فقط قبل التمرين لحرق الدهون العنيده:2كبسول 3مرات باجمالى6 باليوم
واظن ان المفروض ان احنا بنلجا للحوارق علشان الدهون العنيده وبالتالى جرعتنا هتكون 6 فى اليوم.بدليل ان البلاك اللى هو اقوى منه جرعته 6 يوميا
طبعا الكلام ده مش من دماغى ده مكتوب على المنتج وانا جبت كوبى من عليها
Directions For Nutrex Lipo 6: For Fat loss: Take 2 liqui-caps 30 minutes before breakfast or morning workout and 2 more liqui-caps in the afternoon. Start off with only 2 liqui-caps on your first two days (1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) and increase dosage by 1 liqui-cap every two days until maximum dosage of 4 liqui-caps is reached. Fmeal. Start off with only 2 liqui-caps on your first two days (1 in thor Ex treme Fat Loss: Take 2 liqui-caps 3 times daily 30 minutes before a emorning and 1 in the afternoon) and increase dosage by 1 liqui-cap every two days until maximum dosage of 6 liqui-caps per day is reached. Do not exceed 6 liqui-caps per day. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep. For Increased Energy: Take 2 liqui-caps 30 minutes prior to workout. Warnings: Not for use by persons under age 18. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not exceed recommended dose. Do not consume synephrine or caffeine from other sources, including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda and other dietary supplements or medications containing phenylephrine or caffeine. Contains caffeine. Do not use for more than 8 weeks. Consult your physician prior to use if you are taking medication, including but not limited to, MAOI inhibitors, antidepressants, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or other stimulants. Consult your physician prior ot use if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to, heart, liver, kidney, or thyroid disease, psychiatric disorders, difficulty urinating, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, recurrent headaches, enlarged prostate or glaucoma. Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery or if you experience rapid heart beat, dizziness, severe headaches or shortness of breath. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.
2-ليبو 6x:السن 18 سنه الجرعه 4يوميا 2 صباحا و2 عصرا
Directions For Nutrex Lipo 6x: Recommended Use To Burn Fat Fast: Start off with only 2 multi-phase capsules on your first two days (1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) and increase dosage by 1 multi-phase capsule every two days until maximum dosage of 4 multi-phase capsules per day is reached. From here on take 2 multi-phase capsules in the morning and an additional 2 multi-phase capsules in the afternoon. Do not exceed 4 capsules per day. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep. For optimum results Lipo 6X should not be taken with meals. Consume at least 30 minutes before a meal. Lipo 6X is best used in cycles. The suggested Cycle length is 8 weeks followed by a 1 week break. Warnings: Not for use by individuals under the age of 18. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician or licensed qualified health care professional before using this product if you are at risk for, have been treated for, or diagnosed with high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, depression or other psychiatric condition, renal disease, recurrent headaches, spasms, have asthma or taking asthma medication, are allergic to tyramine, or if you are using a monocamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). This product contains caffeine and should not be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate this ingredient from their diet. Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.
3-ليبو6بلاك:السن 21 سنه الجرعه 6 كبسول 3صباحا و3 عصرا
Directions: Due to the extreme potency of LIPO-6 Black all label guidelines must be strictly followed. To experience the full UNDERGROUND strength of LIPO-6 Black take 3 Black-Caps in the morning and an additional 3 Black-Caps in the afternoon. Do not take within 6 hours of sleep. NEVER EXCEED 6 BLACK-CAPS PER DAY.
For maximum potency and best results LIPO-6 Black should not be taken with meals. Consume at least 30 minutes prior to a meal. Furthermore, LIPO-6 Black has to be used in cycles. A maximum cycle length is 8 weeks followed by a 4 week off-period.
WARNING: IMPORTANT MUST READ: LIPO-6 Black is absolutely not for use by persons under the age of 21. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Never exceed the recommended maximum dosage. Do not consume synephrine, caffeine or thyroid-boosting compounds from other sources, including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda and other dietary supplements or medications containing phenylephrine or caffeine or any stimulants whatsoever. This product contains caffeine. Do not use this product for longer than 8 weeks and make sure that usage is followed by a 4 week off-period. Consult your physician prior to use if you are taking medication, including but not limited to, MAOI inhibitors, anti-depressants, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or products containing phenylephrine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylethylamine or other stimulants. Consult your physician prior to use if you have a medical condition, including but not limited to, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, psychiatric disorders, difficulty urinating, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, recurrent headaches, enlarged prostate or glaucoma. Discontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery. Immediately discontinue if you experience rapid heart beat, dizziness, severe headaches or shortness of breath. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
The statements on this label have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As individuals vary so may results from using this product.
ثانيا:هيدروكسى كت هاردكور: السن 18 الجرعه 2كبسول 3 مرات باجمالى 6يوميا:يوجد منه 3 احجام 30 كبسوله و120 و210
Directions For MuscleTech Hydroxycut Hardcore Pro Series: To assess individual tolerance, for the first two days, start with one (1) capsule, taken with a glass of water two (2) times daily, approximately 30 minutes before your main meals. Do not snack after dinner or between meals. For days three and beyond, follow the chart below. Do not exceed two (2) caplets in a 4-hour period and/or six (6) caplets in a 24-hour period. Do not take within 5 hours of bedtime. For best results use Hydroxycut™ Hardcore Pro Series™ for 8-12 weeks in conjunction with a calorie-reduced diet and regular exercise program. Consume 8-10 glasses of water per day. Read the entire label before use and follow directions. Day 1 and Day 2 1 Capsule 2x daily Day 3 and Day 4 2 Capsules 2x daily Day 5 and Beyond 2 Capsules 3x daily Warnings: Not intended for use by persons under 18. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Discontinue use and consult a medical doctor if you experience unusual symptoms. Consult a medical doctor before use if you have been treated for, diagnosed with or have a family history of any medical condition or if you are using any prescription or over-the-counter drug(s), including blood thinners. One serving (2 capsules) of this product contains up to as much caffeine as three cups of coffee (325mg). Caffeine sensitive individuals may experience the following symptoms including, (but not limited to), restlessness, nervousness, tremors, headache, anxiety, palpitations, increased heart rate, or difficulty sleeping. Do not combine with other sources of caffeine. Consult a medical doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. Do not exceed recommended serving. Improper use of this product will not improve results and is not advised. Use only as directed. Do not use if packaging has been tampered with. Store in a cool, dry place (60°F to 80°F). KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN
ثالثا:اوكسى ايليت برو: السن 18 الجرعه 3 يوميا 2صباحا و1عصرا حجم العبوه 90 كبسوله
Directions For USPlabs OxyELITE Pro: As a dietary supplement, take 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach before breakfast. Take an additional 1 capsule six to eight hours later on an emptystomach, if needed. Due to extreme potency, begin by taking 1 capsule before breakfast and 1 capsule six to eight hours later to assess tolerance. DO NO USE PRODUCT FOR LONGER THAN 8 WEEKS FOLLOWED BY A SUBSEQUENT 4 WEEK BREAK. DO NOT EXCEED 3 CAPSULES IN ANY 24 HOUR PERIOD. Warnings: This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults 18 years of age or older. Pregnant or nursing women should not use this product. Consult with your health care provider before using this product, especially if you are taking any prescription, over the counter medication, dietary supplement product or if you have any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking a MAO-B inhibitor or any other medication, including but not limited to MAOIs, SSRIs or any other compounds with serotonergic activity. This product contains caffeine and should not be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate this ingredient from their diet. Discontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery. Do not use in combination with caffeine or any stimulants from other sources whatsoever, including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda and other dietary supplements or medications. Do not combine with alcohol. Discontinue use and immediately consult your health care professional if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommended serving. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. This product may contain ingredients banned by certain sports organizations. User assumes all risks, liabilities or consequences respecting testing. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
التحذيرات:تقريبا فى كل المنتجات متماثله السن لايقل عن 18 (ماعدا البلاك21) مكتوب عندك لكل منتج الجرعه الاوليه التدريجيه لاول 3 او 4 ايام. بين كل جرعه والاخره اما 4 او 6 ساعات حسب المنتج وبرده مكتوب عندك. الفتره فى تناولهم لا تزيد عن 8 اسابيع متصله وبعدها راحه من اسبوعين لشهر فى حالة المواصله وبرده كل منتج مكتوب عليه شروطه. يجب عدم تناول اى كافيين اثناء تناول المنتجات. وطبعا شرط سلامة الضغط والقلب والكبد والكلى وكله مكتوب عندك.
طيب دلوقتى اكيد هنسأل ايهم افضل؟؟؟ 1- بالنسبه للسعر: تقريبا الفروق بينهم لا تتعدى ال30 جنيه يعنى الليبو 285 الهيدروكسى نفس السعر او كبيره 300 الاوكسى حوالى 320. اذا السعر مش هيلزمنى على نوع معين
2-بالنسبه هيكفى كام يوم:الليبو6 ( 20 يوم) عبوه120 (6يوميا زى ماتفقنا) ليبو6اكس (30يوم ) عبوه120 (4 يوميا) ليبو6بلاك (20يوم ) عبوه120 (6يوميا )
الهيدروكسى (20يوم) عبوه120 (6يوميا )
الاكسى ايليت برو (30 يوم) عبوه 90 (3يوميا ) طبعا هتزود لكل منتج يوم او يومين اللى هما الكبسولات اللى تبقت من الجرعه التمهيديه بتاعة اول يومين.
وعلشان نكون منصفين مش معقوله هنقارن الليبو العادى او الاكس مع الاكسى او الهيدروكسى كت احنا كده بنظلمهم لانهم منتجات قديمه وتركيزها لايقارن بدول. اذن المقارنه الحكيمه هتكون بين البلاك والهيدروكسى والاكسى.
انا شايف وعن تجربه ان الاكسى ايليت يكسب بلا منازع مش بس علشان هيكفى 10 ايام زياده عنهم وبس .لا انا جربت اغلب الحوارق مافيش حاجه خلت دقات قلبى تعلى قوى كده اثناء الكارديو زى الاكسى ومافيش حاجه طيرت النوم من عينى زيه حتى الكلين بترول وده دلاله على قوة الكافيين اللى فيه. وكمان مافيش حاجه نزلت من وزنى بسرعه جدا جدا جدا زيه. ده مجرد رأيى ممكن يختلف مع راى تانى ولكن انا بتكلم عن تجربتى. هتلاقى ناس كتير تقولك الاكسى مشاكله كتيره ومش عارف ايه مشاكله خطيره ووووووووو ولما تيجى تسأله عن نوع المشاكل يقولك معرفش طب انت جربته يقولك لأ. طيب ياعم عرفت ازاى هل الشركه سحبته اونزل عنه تحذير طبى من مصادر موثوق فيها. برده هيقولك لأ. طب جبت الكلام ده منين هيقولك اصلى سمعت او هيقولك الواد حماده مجانص قالى كده.وبرضه عم حماده عمره ما مسك علبة المنتج اصلا ولاشافها.
والكلام ده مش على الحوارق فقط لا,ده فى كل حاجه .باختصار تأكد دائما من مصدر معلوماتك .ولو تفتكر الكلام اللى كنت بتسمعه وانت لسه جديد فى الجيم عن خطورة المكملات وبالاخص الوحش قليل الادب الكرياتين ههههههههههههه. وطبعا بعد كده عرفنا ان ده كله كلام فاضى .وهكذا الحال ايضا فى طرق التمرين وخلافه.
اظن كده الصوره اكتملت عن هذه المنتجات والتعليمات اللى على المنتج بين ايدك علشان محدش يقول الكلمه اللى بتزعلنى جداجدا وهى سيبك من المكتوب على المنتج اصل الكابتن حنكش قالى على طريقه صح الصح اخد المنتج بيها.
الفئة: مواضيع عن المكملات الغذائية | أضاف: mohamed (2012-05-12)
مشاهده: 16917 | تعليقات: 1
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